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MARCH 2018

 Cardboard Fun Cardboard is a ubiquitous material that can be used for so many purposes other than just transporting stuff from point A to B. Via the pages that follow, we ho ...


  Cover Story : Mod Everything and The Next Decade Why settle for a stock experience when you can customise everything? re focusing on everything that you can do to improve your experience with your personal computers and gadgets. In the second half of the magazine, we’re ponder about all that science and technology have in store for us over the next decade. We even reached out to industry experts to get their opinions on how the hottest technology domains will evolve over the next 10 years.

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DIGIT - MAY 2018

  Delete Yourself After the recent turn of events, almost everybody is worried about big corporations using their data to influence their decisions. We explore how it has been done, who else does it and how you can mess with the system.

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  Beyond the BULL Don’t you hate it when tech companies invent mumbo jumbo to market their new products. When specifications that look good on paper don’t really match up to real world performance? You should be pissed, after all, you are paying with your hard earned money and a steeping pile of bullshit is the last thing you want. In this Digit issue, we are unmasking the technobabble that tech companies rely on rather than pure R&D. With this issue, we aim to wisen you up to all these marketing tactics and so that you can approach your next purchase as a better informed consumer.

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 Cardboard Fun Cardboard is a ubiquitous material that can be used for so many purposes other than just transporting stuff from point A to B. Via the pages that follow, we hope to encourage your self-expression and creativity, using humble cardboard (and tech). We challenge you to make geekier DIYs, document them with photos and videos, and then share them with us, and the best of the lot will be showcased proudly to over two million of our social media followers, and also win surprise gifts. So what are you waiting for? Get famous!

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