
Digit Webinar - Exploring Windows 7

Posted on 28-01-2010
Webinar date 13-02-2010

Windows 7 has generated a lot of interest in the Indian computer user’s community. This is probably the first time a large section of users will be upgrading for the first time from their old favourite XP. Yes many will actually be giving Vista a miss. So come and explore Windows 7 with us. In this webinar we’ll cover a “7 best features of Windows 7” walk-through, and give you some secret tips for smooth sailing. If you’re still on XP or Vista and are wondering what all the Win 7 fuss is about, this webinar is a must for you.

link to video:http://rec1.dimdim.com/view/dimdim/309f2456-69e2-102d-9515-003048642bd7

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